Im In Love && Alreadyy be Takenn

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Christina Perri I LOVE HER VOICE so much

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hi, Guys ! today I have something to share with you ols. disebabkan cuti midTerm pun dah lepas, tibe-tibe rase debaran untuk Final Exam tu makin kuat.. rase dah boleh buat counting days dah nie...supaye tak leka.. banyak bende yang I kene catch up balek for this sem. I have to struggle grrr.... I wish I nak kan gelaran DEAN LIST tu sem nie.. bile lagy kan... nak sangat,nak sangat,nak sangat, :( but untuk meningkat semangat diri.. dengan ini saya ini mengumumkan tips to do a revision, cehh...formalnye.. , mungkin ini dapat bantu diri aku sendiri.. dan awak2 semua yang kat luar sane... dah tade mase okay untuk maen-maen, hurry up guys , okay done ! ;

* Active learning with a pen / pencil on hand.
*. Learn 3 hours per day or 20 hours per week (excluding homework).
* Study in a conducive environment.
- make sure the lights are bright
-reduce the noise
* Always monitor the thief of time studying the airy, delay and lazy.
* Prayer lights liver after every prayer, before the revision, and before exams.
* No time to learn when tired.
* Provide short breaks every 20 minutes revision.
* Learn the appropriate time in accordance with the self (study According to your biological clock). However, it must know the appropriate times to learn that before going to bed, after waking up, after a hot shower, after reading al-quran/zikir after exercise and after praying.
* Review as soon as possible. Brief review after learning (we will not forget 80% after the study).
* Review individually or collectively.
* Know the review is the most important learning activities before the examination.
* Review lessons over and over again.
* When starting to forget the review.
*Know the rules of review:
- looking for a quiet and compatible with our souls
- prepared the 'supply' properly
- a comfortable upright sitting
- read the prayer the heart lights
- read the Notes in accordance with the proper reading techniques
- think and recall the main content
- note / sketch
- check the accuracy of the information
- re-bid or tell to others
- for the formula
- answer
- paste complex information in a wall
- read the prayer sign of gratitude after learning
* Know the tips so as not to forget:
- Do not eat fish head
- Do not eat internal organs
- Do not drink while eating
- Do not drink or eat food contaminated by ants
- Do not look at genitalia
- do not see a bubble
- Do not read the names on tombstones
- plenty to eat foods containing soy such as tempeh, tofu and other
** Characteristics of outstanding students:
- obey God
- Prayer
- respect for parents, and always pray for them
- respect and love teacher
- persevere in doing the work to achieve excellence.
- like in each subject studied
- help a friend in need
- pray and give thanks to God
- always trust
- skills in each subject

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